August 12, 1984 - December 17, 1993
Saltmeadow's Foundation bitch.
Bred by Margot Woolley, Follytower, 
Devon, England 

"For me, Bumble was the Labrador of a lifetime. 
Beyond her physical  grace, extraordinary ability and heart in the field, 
and her legacy of six generations of wonderful dogs, 
she was my soulmate and best friend.  I feel honored to have shared the 
journey with her. "

            • Multiple specialty class wins and placements
            • Finished under breeder judges 
            • Dam of champions and specialty winners 


ENG.SH.CH .Charway Blackthorn of Follytower
ENG.CH. Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer ENG.CH. Sandylands Tandy
Follytower Old Black Magic
Charway Simona ENG.CH. Sandylands Mark
ENG.CH. Charway Little Sian
Follytower Kay Follytower Sir Ken Sandylands Sovereign of Suddie
Kupros Moonriver of Follytower
Follytower Bandbox ENG.CH. Ballyduff Marketeer
Follytower Stroming Lass